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0 Listings
4 Blocks
27,000 M²
  • Community in Bornova
  • 369 total units
  • 4 Blocks
  • 0 listings available

Developer: FOLKART

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  İzmir, Bornova

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Bornova, a vibrant district located in the heart of Izmir, Turkey, offers residents a dynamic urban lifestyle infused with a rich cultural heritage, modern amenities, and a strong sense of community. As one of the largest and most populous districts in Izmir, Bornova is known for its diverse neighborhoods, bustling commercial centers, and thriving academic institutions, making it a hub of activity and innovation. The district is characterized by its modern infrastructure, shopping malls, business parks, and residential complexes, providing residents with access to a wide range of services and facilities. Bornova's strategic location, close to the city center and major...

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